Thank You to Our Keepers!

Animal keeping is not a regular job in Vietnam. For many people in Vietnam, this honorable job was seen as a “low-class” job. People think that animal keepers just purely clean poo of animals and feed them. The truth is, this job is much more than that.

Chơi Video

♥️ Working as an animal keeper means that you have to work everyday, because unlike the office job, the animals cannot “wait on the table”. They need to be fed and cared for daily. But seeing animals enjoying their food sparkles joy for the animal keepers too.

♥️ Working as an animal keeper means that you have to be attentive of the animals even more than your children, because like at EPRC, these animals are probably the last ones on Earth. But you get the chance to be with these endangered creatures that no one can.

♥️ Working as an animal keeper means that you are an unsung hero because no animal praises you for doing a good job. But the animals loving gestures and eyes rewarded animal keepers with unspoken gratitude.

On the occasion of International Zookeepers Day, we made this short video to show our gratitude on behalf of the animals to our beloved keepers. They are the people who are always willing to work overtime to feed new confiscated baby primate at 1:30 or 3:30 AM. They are the people who talk to animals when no one is around and get shy when caught by another human. They are the people with the purest hearts who we have ever met.

♥️ Thank you keepers of EPRC for all of your dedication to caring for the endangered primates in Vietnam. And thank you too, other keepers around the world, for your effort of saving the precious animals on this globe. Let’s hope that we can continue our work strongly and have positive backup from our communities! ♥️

EPRC wouldn’t be the same without the hardwork and dedication of our animal keepers. WE WISH YOU ALL A HAPPY INTERNATIONAL ZOOKEEPER DAY!


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