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admin• October 15, 2018• Behind the Scenes at EPRC, English
As you know, the EPRC is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. In 1993, we started very small with only a few animals and very few cages. As the Center grew bigger, we received more primates and started to have more babies around. We have always struggled a bit with money to keep up the standard in captive care and have always done our best. Especially when infants arrived at the Center, we worked even harder!
Over the years, we built a separated nursery room to care for little babies. We also built a kindergarten for bigger juveniles who were still too small to live with adult primates. By that time, we were running out of space, so this kindergarten was built inside the Center’s quarantine area. A specialized baby keeper was in charge of the kids care there.
As the years went by, we got more and more concerned about having our hand-reared infants inside of the quarantine area. In case of an unlucky event, we could have had a very sick animal inside the quarantine spreading diseases to the young ones, in which we have invested so much time, energy and love.
Therefore, we arranged to clear the enclosure number 4A to place our kindergarten group. When it was finally emptied, we prepared the enclosure very carefully. Proper cleaning and desinfection, new furnitures, new toys… For the finishing touch we built a big fence in front, which should ensure that the visitors stay to the path and don’t get too close due to the kids cuteness!
Finally, our current kindergarten primates: Nam (Grey shanked Douc Langur female), Beo and Mung (Red shanked Douc Langur males) and Kitty (Silver Langur female) moved out of the quarantine area to be transfered to their new home. Have a look and enjoy the sight of our adorable hand-reared Langurs!
» » KITTY a female Silvery Lutung IN HUE’S ARMS.
Established in 1993, EPRC is a not for profit project dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, breeding, research and conservation of Vietnam’s endangered and critically endangered primate species.
© Endangered Primate Rescue Center 2020